Summary of the MP3 audio files :



TROC " Old man river " 1972 (complete 6'23) 5,85 MB

Awesome lead vocal by Alex Ligertwood (SANTANA)...

TROC " Maybe tomorrow not today " 1972 (excerpt 1'49) 1,70 MB

Song only appearing on a B-side single...KILLER !

France GALL " Ce soir je ne dors pas " 1975 (excerpt 48") 750 ko

ROSEBUD " Free four " 1977 (excerpt 1'33) 1,47 MB

Two solos played fingerstyle in a country way...

Sid VICIOUS " My way " 1978 (excerpt 2'09) 2 MB

Michel DELPECH " Bombay " 1981 (excerpt 1'21) 961 ko

Diane DUFRESNE " Suicide " 1982 (excerpt 1'05) 2,59 MB

Lyrics by Serge Gainsbourg, music by Claude Engel.

Richard GOTAINER " Chlorophylle est de retour " 1982 (complete 58") 910 ko

Choral in prélude of "Les 4 saisons"

Catherine LARA " La rockeuse de diamants " 1983 (excerpt 1'20) 470 ko

Catherine LARA " Gatsby " 1983 (excerpt 1'18) 3,05 MB

Michel BERGER " Splendide hasard " 1985 (excerpt 1'28) 1,3 MB

A guitar solo I like particularely...

Claude ENGEL " Beauté vénéneuse " 1985 (excerpt 1'47) 1,65 MB

Diane DUFRESNE " Top secret " 1987 (excerpt 1'30) 1,41 MB

Probably the most beautiful song I ever wrote...

Richard GOTAINER " Rupture de stock " 1993 (excerpt 1'13) 1,12 MB

Unpublished live version !...

Richard GOTAINER " Le béquillard des bois " 1995 (excerpt 3'11) 2,99 MB

Recorded live at the Casino de Paris.

BAZYK " Respect " 1998 (excerpt 3'14) 3,03 MB

Recorded live at the Rock n' Roll café.

BAZYK " You are so beautiful " 1998 (complete 2'36) 2,45 MB


AUTOUR DU BLUES " Reconsider Baby " 2001 (excerpt 1'15) 1,17 MB

Recorded live at the Club Med World



Original versions only

Vittel 1978 233 ko

Danette 1979 417 ko

BN 1979 474 ko

Infinitif 1980 248 ko

Disneyland 1994 648 ko



0.S. of the Didier Grousset's film " RENDEZ-VOUS AU TAS DE SABLE " 1989

Les hauts de hurle à l'amour (complete 1'13) 1,15 MB

Starkey s'agite (complete 18") 280 ko



L'oiseau lyre (excerpt 1'48) 1,69 MB

Les Tifous. I've made the birds sings my way...

Les fleurs du mal (complete 3'57) 3,71 MB



Equatorial (excerpt 3'13) 3,02 MB

Amazone (excerpt 1'27) 1,36 MB



Variations sur une chanson populaire lettonne

1st variation (excerpt 59'') 927 Ko

2nd variation (excerpt 59'') 933 Ko


La machine infernale (excerpt 59") 925 Ko

Danse aztèque tartare (excerpt 49") 774 Ko

Etude en forme de vagues (excerpt 56") 876 Ko

L'oiseau et l'aube (excerpt 48") 764 Ko

Sur la piste des éléphants (excerpt 30") 1280 Ko

David Jacques, guitar.

Sonate pour guitare et violon (complete 2'51) 2,69 MB

Catherine Lara plays the violin part.

Danse bulgare n°2 (complete 2'27) 2,25 MB

Recorded live 22/05/02 in Bayreuth

Birgit Schwab (guitar) and Daniel Ahlert (mandolin)

Minstrels (excerpt 45'') 708 ko

Excerpt from the CD " Nowhere left to go "

from Daniel Ahlert and Birgit Schwab

Cakewalk rag (excerpt 56'') 890 ko

From the CD " Blues for two " by Pascal Bournet and myself


All musics are composed by myself, excepted

" Old man river " / " Maybe tomorrow not today " (Troc), " Free four " (Rosebud),

" My way " (Sid Vicious), " Ce soir je ne dors pas " / " Splendide hasard " (Michel Berger),

" Respect " / " You are so beautiful " (Bazyk), " Reconsider Baby " (Lowell Fulson).